Do strict regulations surrounding certain categories of processed foods concern you? Are you looking for new functional ingredients to improve your products and processes?

Would you like to modify your lists of ingredients or reduce the sugar or sodium content of your products? Are you looking to keep up with the latest culinary trend or improve the taste, texture and colour of your product? Let our research and development team help you rise to the challenge!



Our technicians and scientists that specialize in various fields of agri-food form a multidisciplinary team that has all the theoretical and applied knowledge necessary to support you in your food processing projects:

  • Meat, fish, seafood, eggs and meat alternatives
  • Snacks: chips, popcorn, bars, cookies, pita, hummus and many more
  • Soups, sauces and marinades
  • Seasonings for salad dressings and condiments
  • Vegetables and leguminous

To optimize manufacturing processes, ensure compliance with applicable laws, meet technical challenges or develop new products, make things easier by entrusting your project to BSA WIBERG. Benefit from the support and know-how of our specialists by testing your product directly in our pilot plant.